Expanding your podcast's presence across multiple platforms offers several advantages:
- Helps your niche audience discover your podcast.
- Increases your overall discoverability and, consequently, your listenership.
- Reduces your reliance on a single platform, providing stability in your listener base. So, even if a platform's algorithm changes, your listenership remains consistent.
In today's podcast landscape, there's a multitude of platforms to choose from, making it challenging to keep up with the process of sharing your podcast across all of them. Fortunately, Hubhopper Studio simplifies this process by enabling distributing your podcasts to platforms like Spotify, Amazon Music, JioSaavn, PocketCasts, and many more.
However, there are certain podcast platforms that either haven't been integrated into Hubhopper's distribution system or require creator verification. Here, we'll provide a list of such platforms and guide you through the manual distribution process for each of them.
Apple Podcasts
Step 1: Create an Apple ID.
Once you've created a new Apple ID, you’ll need to authenticate it by signing in to any Apple services such as Apple Music, the App Store, or the iTunes Store and adding a valid payment method. No transaction will occur until you make one so you don't need to worry about it.
.Step 2: Once that's done, you can log in to Podcasts Connect and login with your Apple ID.
Step 3: Click on the (+) in the top left corner to add a podcast. A URL column will come up.
Step 4: Put your RSS in the field and click on ‘Validate’ on the top right.
Step 5: If the status shows ‘Prepare for Submission’ with a small green dot, that means Apple has successfully reviewed your podcast and it’s ready to be submitted on Apple podcasts.
Step 6: Click on the ‘Submit’ button. After that, you can see your podcast on your Apple Dashboard with the status ‘Under Review’ with a yellow dot. You will get mail from Apple when your podcast goes live on Apple Podcasts. They usually take 5 to 7 working days to approve the podcast and it may take longer during the weekends and holidays.
Please make sure your podcast image must be 1400X1400 in size and the podcast must not be under the miscellaneous category.
To distribute your podcast to Overcast, you'll have to make sure that your podcast is listed in Apple Podcasts. Once listed, it will take 1-2 days for your podcast to get to Overcast.
If your podcast is already listed in Apple Podcasts but isn't showing up in Overcast, you can add it manually here.
Note that your podcast will not appear in search results until Overcast can verify its inclusion in Apple Podcasts.
Step 1: Create your account on Castbox Website.
Step 2: Click on the user icon on the top right and then click on the ‘Creator Studio’.
Step 3: Click on ‘Claim Ownership’ under the channel. Once you click it, a pop-up will come.
Step 4: Put your podcast RSS feed in the first column and the email ID mentioned in your podcast RSS feed link in the second column and hit the submit button.
Step 5: Castbox will send you a verification link on the email ID you put in. Open that email and click on the verification link.
Step 6: Once you click on the verification link, the terms and conditions page will open in a different tab. Read out the Terms and Conditions, click on the checkbox below, and click on ‘Confirm’ at the bottom.
Your podcast will instantly go live on Castbox and will be seen in your Studio Dashboard.
Player FM
Step 1: Sign up on Player FM using your Gmail or Apple ID. You can also create an account using an email ID.
Step 2: After creating the account, click on the 'Subscription' button at the top. Next, click on the '+' icon on the right.
Step 3: In the new window, select the ‘Add a feed URL’ option.
Step 4: Paste your podcast RSS feed in the first column and then click on the 'Public' button in the next column.
Step 5: Lastly, hit the 'Import feed' button. Your Player FM URL will be ready within a few seconds.
Step 1: Visit this link to create an account on Blubrry by filling in basic details like your name and email address.
Step 2: After creating an account, Blubrry will send you an email verification link to your email ID. Go to your email inbox and verify your email ID.
Step 3: After verification, you will be directed to your Blubrry dashboard. Click on the 'Add a podcast to Directory' button.
Step 4: Paste your RSS feed in the first column and make your Blubrry URL (Make sure your Blubrry podcast URL contains letters, numbers and '_' characters. No spaces, dashes, dots, etc.).
Step 5: Select the podcast category, click on the 'Agree to Terms and Conditions', and then hit the 'Submit' button.
You have now submitted your podcast to Blubrry but it hasn't gone live yet. To go live with your podcast follow the steps below:
- Click on the 'Listing Settings' under the 'Directory Listing' column.
- Check all your podcast details and hit the 'Save and update listing' button at the bottom.
You have now successfully distributed your podcast on Blubrry. To get the link, visit your Blubrry dashboard and click on the 'View Directory Listing' button.
Learn Out Loud
To distribute your podcast to Learn Out Loud, head to this link and create an account. Once you've logged into your account, follow the instructions to copy and paste your RSS feed link into the appropriate dialog box.
Step 1: Visit Anghami website for podcasters
Step 2: Click on 'publish your podcast' & Add your podcast RSS feed
Step 3: Verify your RSS feed email address
Step 4: Choose genre, country & language for your podcast and there you go!
Youtube Music
Here is a comprehensive guide on distributing your podcast to YouTube, covering all guidelines and criteria. Here's a quick summary of the process:
Step 1: Sign in to YouTube and click on your profile icon in the top right corner. Then, select YouTube Studio from the dropdown menu
Step 2: Accept the Terms of Service
Step 3: Enter your RSS feed URL on the next page
Step 4: Verify Email Address
Step 5: Choose which episodes you want to upload to YouTube. You can select:
- All existing episodes
- Episodes published since a specific date
- Only future episodes
Step 6: Review visibility details, then click Save to submit your podcast to YouTube Music
Step 7: Once you receive the email indicating your show is ready to be published, Sign in to your YouTube Studio account and go to Content > Podcasts, Find "Video count" and click Publish next to your RSS feed.
Step 1: Access the iHeartRadio Podcast Submission Page Go to the iHeartRadio Podcasters page and click the red Submit Your Podcast button at the top.
Step 2: Log in or Create an iHeartRadio Account You’ll be prompted to log in or sign up. Complete this step to access your podcast dashboard. After logging in or creating an account, click Add Your Podcast.
Step 3: Enter Your RSS Feed Paste your podcast’s RSS feed URL from your host into the provided field. Check the box to confirm you're not a robot, then click Verify Podcast RSS.
Step 4: Review Show Details and Accept Terms Once verified, review your podcast details and ensure they’re accurate. Agree to the terms and conditions by checking the boxes. Finally, click Submit Podcast to complete the process.
Here's how you can submit your podcast to Sheqonomi:
Step 1: Go to the Sheqonomi website and navigate to the 'Submit Feed' section.
Step 2: Scroll down to the bottom and complete the provided form.
Step 3: After submission, you'll receive a confirmation email.
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