Understanding your podcast's performance is pivotal for its success. Analytics play a crucial role in deciphering what's effective and how you can refine your content to foster your podcast's growth. With Hubhopper's Analytics you get real-time data. Here's an overview of the analytics Hubhopper offers:
- Total Listens: This metric tracks the number of times your episodes have been played. It usually surpasses the number of streams.
- Total Streams: Also known as downloads in the podcasting industry, this represents the number of individuals who have played your episode for at least 60 seconds. We refer to this as streams for clarity. It's typically lower than the total listens.
- Unique Listeners: You can also view the data on unique listeners for both overall date ranges and specific episodes. You can get unique listeners for your listens as well as streams data.
- Podcast's Performance: With Podcast Performance, you can see the streams and listens data for your podcast over different periods (30 days, 3 months, 6 months, all time). You also have the ability to view performance for all episodes or specific ones.
- Episode Comparison: Compare the performance of five episodes to discern which ones resonated more with your audience and performed better.
- Devices Distribution, Top Locations, Operating Systems: Gain a comprehensive understanding of your audience demographics. Use this data to create content that caters to all your listeners.
- Podcast Players: Obtain data on how your podcast is faring across different distribution channels. Focus more on platforms that generate higher listenership.
- Add Tracking Prefix: Enhance your analytics by including tracking prefixes for Podtrac and Chartable, enabling additional insights on your dashboard.
These analytics empower you to optimize your content strategy and engage your audience more effectively.
For any queries or assistance, please feel free to reach out to us at support@hubhopper.com. We're dedicated to helping you at every stage of your podcasting journey!
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