Hubhopper offers you a dynamic and robust podcast analytics dashboard. To better understand those metrics, it's important that you are familiar with what podcast downloads, streams, and listens actually are.
These insights will help you measure your podcast's success and attract the right advertisers, thus helping you grow and monetize your show further. Read on to find out what they really mean.
Podcast Downloads
As per the IAB Tech Lab guidelines, a download is when a listener plays your podcast episode and tunes in for at least 60 seconds.
Here's how it goes: when a listener plays one of your episodes from a streaming platform like Apple Podcasts or Spotify, that information is sent back to the host platform, in this case, us, Hubhopper.
Then, based on that information, the hosting platform determines if it was a ‘download’ or not. But how do we figure that out? This is where the IAB Tech Lab Podcast Measurement 2.1 guidelines apply.
When we receive the request, we put it through various filters to make sure they are legit and not bot-generated. Once it successfully passes all the filters, it gets counted as a download.
Note: If a listener downloads your episode (plays and listens to it for 60 seconds) multiple times within 24 hours, then it'll count as 1 download only.
In Hubhopper Studio, we consider Download and Stream as the same metric where a listener tunes into your podcast episode for at least 60 seconds in a 24 hours window.
Listens is basically the number of times someone has hit the play button on your podcast episode, irrespective of how long they tuned into it.
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