The podcast embed player allows you to showcase your podcast directly on your website or blog, making it easy for visitors to listen without leaving your site. It provides a seamless listening experience, enhances engagement, and helps grow your audience by keeping your content accessible. With customization options, you can align the player’s design with your brand, ensuring a cohesive and professional look. To access this feature you will need to be subscribed to one of our Paid plans.
We offer various customization options:
- Embed your entire podcast library
- Embed a playlist of the episodes of your choice
- Display your podcast with the most recent episode
- Showcase your podcast with a specific episode
Mutiple episodes embed player
With the Multiple Episodes Embed Player, you have two options to showcase your podcast episodes:
- Full Show List (Pro Plan) – This option displays all the episodes from your podcast, allowing your audience to browse and listen to every episode directly from the embed player.
- Custom List (Growth plan) – With this option, you can select specific episodes to feature, giving you control over which content you want to highlight on your website or blog.
Both options provide flexibility, so you can choose the best way to present your content to your audience.
Single episode embed player (Growth plan)
With the Single Episode Embed Player, you have two options to feature individual episodes:
- Most Recent Episode – This option will always display the latest episode of your podcast, ensuring your audience can easily access your most up-to-date content.
- Specific Episode – Here, you can choose a particular episode to showcase. This is especially useful when publishing blogs or pages related to a specific topic, allowing you to feature an episode that complements that content perfectly.
Both options give you flexibility in highlighting your content based on your needs.
Customize Embed Player (Growth Plan)
You can customize your embed player to seamlessly align with your brand and website. With customization, you can:
- Remove the Hubhopper watermark – Simply toggle the option to remove it.
- Choose between Light and Dark themes to match your website’s aesthetic.
- Select a custom theme color for your embed player to reflect your brand identity.
- Customize fonts for the heading and body text to maintain a consistent look and feel.
These options allow you to create a player that perfectly complements your brand’s style and enhances the listening experience.
Adding Your Embed Player to Your Website
Once you've customized your embed player, adding it to your website is simple. Here’s how you can do it:
- Copy the Embed Code – After customizing your player, you’ll receive an embed code.
- Paste the Code – Go to your website’s backend or content management system (CMS), and paste the embed code where you want the player to appear on your page.
- Save and Publish – Once the code is in place, save your changes and publish the page. Your embed
player will now be live on your website, ready for visitors to enjoy your podcast.
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